Óptica HM | Arganil opened in 2010. It was the last HM establishment to open its doors nine years after opening the first Óptica HM store.

You can carry out a free eye exam in our Arganil store or a contactology consultation with a licensed optometrist and realise your visual needs and how you can meet them.

In Arganil, Óptica HM has a wide selection of sunglasses, prescription glasses and contact lenses, allowing you to find the best solution for your eyes.

To book an appointment, click the button above. To see some of our products, visit our online store.


Onde é que nos pode encontrar?

Rua Mariano Lopes Morgado, R/C, Esq., 3300-060, Arganil, Coimbra

235 094 069 (Chamada para rede fixa nacional)